Backyard Magazine Launch Party

November 10, 2011
Jonathan Goldberg: Bee Keeping from the series 'Transition Towns'

On Friday 4th November Backyard Magazine was launched at Tokarska Gallery in E17.

Backyard Magazine is devoted to showcasing photographers who love to explore and capture their neighbourhoods. The first issue has been kept close to home, page with work selected from six photographers working in London.

Throughout the evening a series of projections were shown by the contributing photographers. The images were projected onto the gallery windows, so the work could be seen from the inside and outside too.

George Plemper: Research Assistant and Cleaner, 1979, from the series, 'One Moment In Time'

We’re really excited about the upcoming issues of Backyard that are in the pipeline. Each issue will be based on a geographical area or theme and will be curator led – but we’ll also be asking for submissions to promote and support new work.

If you’re interested in submitting to future issues of Backyard you can join the mailing list and follow on Twitter and Facebook to keep up-to-date with what the curators are looking for – and when. (Details on )

    1 comment

  • Jonathan Goldberg
    November 10, 2011

    Great work Mark and Bronny. I’m already looking forward to seeing the next editions!

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