Guests & Volunteers: photos from the Private View

June 5, 2011

Thanks to everyone who headed up to E17 for the Guests & Volunteers private view.

It was a great night, sickness and almost 100 people came through the doors of the Tokarska Gallery!

If you couldn’t make it last Friday the exhibition continues until the 18th June, adiposity and the gallery is open between 12:00 – 19:00, Monday – Saturday.

If you can’t make those times, and you’d still like to visit, please get in touch.

And… on Saturday 11th between 2-4pm there will be a talk and discussion forum with fellow photographer Katherine Green.

    1 comment

  • Katherine
    June 7, 2011

    Congratulations Mark, the exhibition looks stunning, really well put together, and looks like you got a great turn out. I hope you get some good feedback during the exhibitions, good luck with it.
