LIP 22nd Annual Exhibition 2010
This year I took part in the 22nd annual exhibition by the London Independent Photography Group (LIP). There are nearly 600 members and the show is the highlight of the year. The LIP is a fantastic non-profit volunteer organisation that is hugely successful because members give their time and skills to make things happen.

I’ve been a member of the LIP for the last two years and have got so much out of belonging – so I wanted to make sure I did my part by helping to hang the show.

When I arrived the selected work – about 60 images – had already been arranged and measured for hanging.

All afternoon 15 of us worked away hanging the photos. I teamed up with a lady called Eva and we chatted away while measuring, drilling and attaching photos to the walls.

The following evening I returned to see the same space, packed full of people looking at the work. The range of the show was impressive with portraits, landscapes, street and Fine Art photography all represented.
I asked three other LIP photographers if they would give me permission to show their work on my blog – and here they are.

This portrait by Mark Denton is from a series shot on a 5×4 camera. This means the negative is 5 inches by 4 inches, giving the work a level of detail and clarity digital images can’t hope to match. Using a 5×4 camera is technically very demanding so I’m always really impressed by people who’ve mastered the camera, and can produce such superb work.
Mark is in a show called ‘Amazing Grace’ featuring other 5×4 photographers. It runs from 29-31 October and is at The Rag Factory as part of Photomonth. For more details visit the 5×4 website.

This photo is a particular favourite of mine – probably because I’ve spent a fair amount of my life in pubs like this one.
Jonathan explains more about this image: “This picture was taken in The Three Lions pub in Hackney, and forms part of the series World Cup 2010 in London. It was after Germany had put their fourth goal past England, at which point the air of tension turned into one of resignation and eventually laughter and joviality, as this poster of Winston Churchill was held aloft.”
You can see more photos from Jonathan’s World Cup project on his website.

This beautiful image is by Vanja Karas. It’s a polaroid of a film still which Vanja then enlarged and printed onto a textured paper.
It forms part of a 24 image series recently exhibited at the Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising Agency Gallery in Belgrade as part of an International Art Festival, 24 Hours of Art. It was also short-listed for the 2010 Saatchi Gallery National Competition, London.
You can see the full series on Vanja’s website.

Above are my four photos which were selected for the LIP exhibition.

One of the selected portraits is of Rick, and is part of a series I’ve taken at Maryland Metals. I’ve been to their huge work-sheds on several occasions as my friend Judy Sutton-Moore has all her large-scale sculptures fabricated there.
Maryland Metals used to make rolling stock for the railways and employed hundreds of people. Now down to about a dozen people they’ve started to specialise in commissions for artists.
These photos were taken on a medium-format camera (a Mamiya 7.) This format isn’t quite as large as the camera Mark Denton uses, but it normally requires a tripod and lots of patience. I like using an old-fashioned film camera because it slows the whole picture making process down. The people I photograph aren’t worrying about smiling for the camera – and instead, just concentrate on what I’m doing.

One of the things I like most about the LIP is the diverse collection of photographers that belong to the group. Some are well established professionals, some are renowned artists and there are also lots of highly talented amateur’s (who produce very professional work).
As well as the annual show the LIP runs workshops, talks and there are several satellite groups that meet each month to share ideas and talk about photography.

The annual show is a great example of how the LIP works. External curators are invited to select the photographs, and don’t know who has made the work until after the selection process. This means a photographer’s reputation doesn’t come into play and the show is about the work itself and not past histories.

The private view was a great success, and the exhibition runs until the 31st October 2010.
LIP 2010 Annual Exhibition
19-30 October, 2010
Open times:
Monday – Saturday: 11am – 7pm
Sunday 11-6pm
The Strand Gallery (Proud Central)
32 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6BP

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